Cabochon Gemstone Rings

Materials & Tools List - UK

In addition to the tools on this list you will also need the following household items:

  • a pen and paper

  • a calculator

  • Fresh water for quenching

  • Blu-tack

    *Please note that some of these links are affiliated

*A note on soldering

For this project I use hard silver solder throughout. I recommend using hard solder for all of the Cognac Jewellery School projects unless it is absolutely necessary to use medium or easy (soft) solder. However, if you do not feel confident using only hard solder, or if you prefer to work your way from hard to easy (soft) you can do so.



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Amazon: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Durston Tools: As a Durston Tools affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Cool Tools: As a Cool Tools affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Cookson Gold: As a Cookson Gold affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.