Discovering Amethyst: The Royally Sober Stone

The designated gemstone for February, this beautiful purple variety of quartz is the epitome of accessible luxury. Despite being a relatively common and inexpensive crystal, this most democratic of gemstones still manages to find itself equally at home at Royal Court or as everyday jewellery for all, while simultaneously vindicating those fond of wine-related overindulgence and placating the sobriety-favouring clergy.

A Not-So-Ancient Greek Origin Story

The legend of the creation of Amethyst (and one of my favourite gemstone origin stories) tells of the beautiful nymph Amethyste who, when on her way to worship at the temple of Artemis was pursued by the god of wine, Dionysus. When she refused his advances Dionysus became enraged, and a frightened Amethyste called out to the Goddess Artemis for help. Her prayers were answered, and Artemis turned Amethyst to clear Quartz to protect her. The sight of Amethyste turning to quartz instantly sobered Dionysus who poured his wine over the crystal in remorse, turning the clear quartz purple. Thus, the Amethyst crystal was created.

There are many variations of this story, and it would be remiss of me not to mention that while it purports to be of Ancient Greek mythology, it actually heralds from French Poet Remy Belleau in the 1500s.

Silver and Amethyst Gemstone Ring with colour bands

The Origins and Formation of Amethyst

Amethyst is a variety of Quartz that gets its’ beautiful purple hues from iron elements within the crystal structure. Ranging in shades from lavender to deep violet, the depth and variation in colour of the crystal changes depending on how much iron is present as well as how much radiation the crystals were subjected to when forming.

Amethyst forms over millions of years, with crystals growing slowly and gradually which means you can sometimes see colour bands within the crystal, reflecting variations in the concentration of iron impurities and the changes in radiation exposure as it grew (see above image)

Heat Treatment

If you read our Jewellers Journal entry for November: Discovering Citrine: The Merchant’s Stone you may remember that like Amethyst, Citrine is a variety of Quartz, and most commercially available citrine is actually heat treated Amethyst. Heat treatment will cause Amethyst to lighten in colour as well as removing any brown inclusions. This therefore makes it possible to turn very dark amethysts into more appealing (and commercial) lighter ones, and even lighter Amethysts into Yellow Citrines.


The word Amethyst comes from the Ancient Greek word ‘Amethystos’ which literally means ‘not drunk’ with ‘A’ meaning ‘not’ and ‘methystos’ meaning intoxicated. It was so-called as it was believed that the crystal would protect its owner from the intoxicating effects of alcohol.

Silver and Amethyst Rosecut Gemstone Ring and Necklace

The Cultural Significance of Amethysts Throughout History

Ancient Greece

The Ancient Greeks would routinely inlay their wine goblets with amethyst believing that the crystal would bring them clarity of mind and prevent them from getting drunk.

Ancient Rome

Much like the Ancient Greeks, the Romans also used amethyst goblets made entirely from amethyst. These goblets were not only a status symbol, but they believed the amethyst would heal them of ailments and hangovers.

The Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages Amethyst was considered to be the stone of the clergy. Priests and Bishops would wear amethyst rings as a symbol of their faith and piety.

Saint Valentine

Legend has it that St. Valentine wore an amethyst ring carved with cupid, so it only seems apt that Amethyst is the designated birthstone for the same month as Valentines day.

Royal Connections

Owing to its’ purple colour, Amethyst has long been associated with wealth and status, and features in many prominent pieces of royal jewellery, notably in the Imperial State Crown (the most treasured and iconic symbols of the British Monarchy) which is worn by the monarch for coronations and state openings.

Want to make your own Amethyst Ring? Watch our YouTube tutorial below


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